Application for Revolving Loan

Osage Municipal Utilities has received two grants from the USDA for $300,000 each. This money is to be
used to for loans to promote economic development in Mitchell County. With each loan, Osage
Municipal Utilities matched $60,000 of their own funds and the Revolving Loan Fund was formed. OMU
provided loans to the City of Osage to help finance the construction of the Public Safety Center and to
the Osage Daycare to help finance the construction of their new facility. Please stop by the utility if you
have any questions or call (641) 832-3731. Applications are available in our office or online.

Please fill out the RLF Application and return it to:

Osage Municipal Utilities
720 Chestnut
Osage, IA 50461

Fax 641-732-5498